Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Feelin better

We went for our consult today. The Dr says that my body just rejected the embryos. They are gonna run an antinuclear antibody test, prolactin and TSH (thyroid) tests. From these tests they will be able to see if there any abnormalities. They will adjust my protocol accordingly. They usually prescribe steroids or baby aspirin to help with implantation. I feel alot more positive. Once my body gets back to 'normal' we will be able to try again. I want to go back to Curves and try to lose some of the pounds I put on. I gained 7 pounds while doing this.
Dr. Gill is so awesome and such a blessing he is really dedicated and said it's his goal to get us pregnant. Gill suggested we start with a fresh cycle and not waste time with the one frozen that we have. If this next cycle takes and we have some to freeze he will bank at the same location as the one which we can use later on. He has offered to waive his fee for our fresh cycle which brought me to tears. All we will have to pay for id the hospital and medicine. He is truly amazing. I think the first run was just a trial as sad as it is we learned from it and will move forward. I will keep everybody informed as to what we are doing. As for now I am getting the house and our lives back in order.
Love you all and thank you so much for being there I don't what I would do without you.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The worst news ever.....

I got the call yesterday around 1 pm. Thank god I was on my lunch break. The nurse said she had bad news and that the pregnancy test was negative. I never expected to hear those words. I guess I knew it was possible but everything seemed so perfect. They were going to do a test Wednesday but the numbers were so low Monday that there was no need for another test. We are just gonna move on and see what the future holds. We have a consult appt. Wednesday to speak with the dr to find out what he thinks went wrong. We will probably try again at this point I just don't know when.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Nothing new

I have been trying to keep busy and not think about testing. We are going to Austin to visit Chris and Deanna this weekend so that will be fun. I did get a report from the doctor that only one embryo made it far enough to be frozen. So we have one little snow baby. I wish the sun would come out. Not much else to report over here in the 2 week wait.


Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm free

I will finally be off bed rest tomorrow. Wow have I been bored out of my mind. Aaron has been great cooking, cleaning , taking care of Kiki and Ashley. I did get to watch a few movies The Devil Wears Prada and The Break Up loved them both. We went to the dr today and it took like 10 minutes all they did was draw blood.They are checking Estrogen, Progesterone and HCG levels. I guess to make sure my body continues to be a good, heathly environment for the babies. I started an Estrogen patch that I will replace every 3 days. I go back Monday for more bloodwork. I can't wait to get out of the house tomorrow and breath freash air.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Now comes the waiting game.

We went to the hospital at 6:30 am and there were no problems, no ice nothing. We were worried last night though. We got to the hospital and met with the Dr and he advised us to put back 3 only because it would increase our chances of at least having one. So we put back 3. Out off the 7 we got 6 of them were 8 cells (the best) I think maybe one was 6 cell but that's still good. We put in 3 8 cells. If the rest make it to Friday we will freeze the rest. He says the chances of triplets are 5% so hopefully won't be that 5%. They gave us a picture of the 3 they put in. They already look just like us. HA!!! Aaron has been great he made lasagna last night so we would have leftovers today. He has been treating me like th eprincess he knows I really am. Really he has been very sweet. Bed rest for 3 days. Off to sleep of this Valium now.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The night before

Well here we are the night before as Aaron says, I get knocked up! I am finally getting nervous. It really has happened so fast. I went a got a full body massage tonight. I feel so relaxed. Hopefully the 'Ice Storm' won't keep us from getting to the hospital in the morning. I did my first Progesterone shot tonight. I put ice on the spot for like 10 minutes then put the Progesterone in warm water for a little bit to get it warm. The shot itself wasn't bad and neither was the oil going it. I have been rubbing it to get it all worked in so it doesn't get lumpy. We have to be at the hospital at 7 am. Then it's bedrest for 3 days when we get home. I am sure by Friday I will have cabin fever. I have plenty of magazines, movies and of course my computer to keep me busy. If worse comes to worse I can always sleep and we all know I love that. I will update as soon as I know how many they have transferred and all the other details.

Monday, January 15, 2007

We have 8 kids....

HAHAHA!!! The nurse called and said they retrieved 11 eggs and 7 fertilized. Now they will just wait until Wed to see how well the 7 grow. On Wed they will let us know which ones are top grade and we will decide how many to put back and how many are well enoguh to freeze. So until further notice we have 7 embryos and Ashley makes 8.
*keep warm*

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our babies are now in the lab!

I had my ER this morning. Wow 5:30 am came early. We had to be at the hospital by 6 am. Once we got checked in we went to a room and I feel back alseep. About 7 am a nurse came and got me into another bed and wheeled me to the post op recovery room. That's where they hooked up the IV and I saw the RE and the anesthesiologist and they asked more questions. About 8:15 am they took me into the operating room. They put oxygen on me and then I heard someone say "your gonna feel a little sting and something cold" That was it I woke up in the recovery room about 8:45. I was a little confused when I was talking to the nurse, I kept asking her the same questions. Once they got the IV out and I got dressed we went home. The nurse told me the initial count was 10 and they would call me tomorrow with the fertilization report. I am feeling a little sore down there but not too much. I have been sleeping and relaxing since we got home. Our little babies are in the lab growing big and strong. Tonight on National Geographis is In the Womb: Multiples!!!
*burrrr it's cold outside*

Friday, January 12, 2007

No more hormones!!!

My nurse called and I will trigger (hcg shot) tonight at 8:30 pm on the dot!!!!! NO MORE STIMS!!!! My Egg Retrieval will be Sunday, we have to be at the hospital at 7 am. Tuesday I will start Progesterone and Medrol. Wednesday will be the embryo transfer date. In my excitement I forgot to ask what the size of the follicles were. I guess I will find out Sunday or Monday. I did find out my Estrogen is 2300. I just put on my work calendar that I will be off Wed, Thur and Friday!!!! So bed rest for me. Whooo hoooo. I will be getting some R & R.
I can't believe it has happened so fast. I never would have imagined that in June. When I found out we had to do IVF I was like in January what!!!! that's so far a way. I have to tell Aaron that I appreciate his patience these past few days I know I have been a real bitch at times. Ashley is with my parents at the farm this weekend. At least she won't have to deal with me yelling at her anymore. Sorry honey it was the hormones, I promise. :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We are so close

I went to the dr again this morning for another ultrasound and more bloodwork. I call the nurse Vampire now. I have been feeling some pressure and the nurse said it's because my ovaries are the size of golf balls. WOWzer that's big. She said up to the day of retrieval they will be the size of small oranges. That is so funny to me but I am sure it's gonna be painful. So anyway..... There are 10 follilcles measuring 10 mm or more and 2 measuring less than 10mm. My Estrogen is looking good, it's at 1632. The nurses are really excited because they say I am right where I need to be. The retreival will probably be on Sunday or Monday. With an estimated transfer on Wednesday. Then bedrest for 3 days.
Unfortunately I don't think I will make it to LA for Ali's baby shower. I am pretty sad since I wanted to be able to be there for her and see all the cool baby stuff she will get. I know she understands though.
My next appt is on Friday whooo hoooo we are getting so close now!!!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Higher numbers and more Follicles

The nurse called today and went over the numbers. She decreased my Repronex to 75 ml since it contains lh and fsh hormones. My FSH is 23.5 so it's right where it needs to be. The Follistim contains LH that will continue to grow the follicles. Estrogen is at 800 (this is good since they want each follicle to be at least 100) As for the follicles there are 2 on the left that are measuring 10 mm and 3-5 on the right that measure less than 10 mm. Follicles contain the eggs and there is no way to determine the amont of eggs until the retrieval process. They want the follicles to grow at a rate of 2 mm per day. By Wednesday they should be bigger and probably by Saturday or Sunday we will do the retreival. I am learning so much about this process.
So are you confused yet?!?!?!?

Saturday, January 6, 2007

I did it!!!!

I did the shot last night all by myself. It wasn't bad at all. I did it on my right side. I don't think I would have been able to do my left since I am right handed I would have felt weird. I can't wait to go to the dr on Monday to see if my follicles are growing. I just get so nervous. The nurse said everything looks good though but don't they always say that? To be continued......

Friday, January 5, 2007

Still the same

Went to the dr and everything is "normal" My dosages are remaining the same. My Estrogen level is 162 and rising so I guess that's good. I will continue the meds through the weekend and go back in Monday morning. Aaron had to go to Lafayette so I will be doing my own shot tonight. EEEEEKK!!!! I will let ya know how that goes.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Toosh a little sore

Ok the first night the shot was in the left side. Last night in the right. My right is a little sore not bad just uncomfortable. I am sure it will get better. It has too right? Thank you for all the sweet comments. I am diggin this blog thing. I have an appt in the morning for an ultrasound to look at the follicles. How exciting!!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The shots begin

We started the injections last night. So far so good. Last night was a little stressful because we didn't know what size needle to use. Once we got it straight it was cool. A little update. I started Lupron on 12-26-06 then had to wait to cycle then went to the dr on 1-2-07. That's when they gave us the OK to start the shots. I think we stay on the shots for 10 days before they will go in and get the follicles. I will be monitored every other day to make sure the follicles are growing normal. I never thought I would be doing this. We are learning alot and growing closer as a couple. Stay tuned.....