Friday, May 25, 2007

Hi there. Wow twice in one week. It's amazing. I am anxiously awaiting nana and pops arrival. I am so excited to see them. We have a busy weekend planned. We are paiting Ashley's room and the babies room. We also have Jakob's 3rd birthday!! The baby shower has been changed to 7-14 because Ashley is going to Washington DC and will be back on 7-25th. She is so excited. Michelle and Chris are taking her there for 10 days. She will be a huge help to Chris with Jordan while Michelle is working. Oh I don't know if I posted this before but the twins we have are identical and they are called monochorionic-diamniotic. This means they are in one placenta and have 2 amniotic sacs. Chorionic=placenta and amniotic=amniotic sac.


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